Bridal Photography The Belgium House | Amanda
Bridal Photography The Belgium House | Amanda

We had a blast shooting Amanda’s session. We started out at The Belgium House, they are getting married there in a few months, and then we headed into downtown Longview.

I think my favorite part was getting out of the car at our first stop. I was getting my gear out and I overheard Amanda telling her mom. “It’s OK mom, just trust him, they will be great.” :)

By the end of the session I think I had won her over because her mom was pointing out dirty grungy trucks for us to use in the shots.  


Alex really really likes the next two shots. :)


Amanda’s color for her wedding is hot pink. :) She had a few pink accessories that she was planning on using, but while we where at the laundry place a cab pulled up.
A cab sent from heaven above. (I’m thinking they should book it as their get away car.)  


Another shot I have a crush on, and it was not even a location I picked out. :)

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25 Random Things About Me
25 Random Things About Me

You’ve seen it on Facebook, you’ve tagged me, you’ve begged and pleaded for it, and now through the power of the internets behold, I give you my list.

1. i keep a kiddy toilet in the trunk of my car.

2. we have a 42 and a 50 inch plasma tv in our house, yet no satellite, cable, or rabbit ears. 

3. i have about 1.5 years of college under my belt.  stay in school kids.

4. i am fluent in espanol

5. sometimes my pictures come out ugly

6. the only reason i had a son was for it to be “ok” to play video games.

7. i am getting scary good at putting on barbie clothes

8. i slept outside an at&t store 2 years ago to be the first in line for an iphone. 

9. i would sleep outside an at&t store AGAIN for an iphone. (yes, that’s an “L” on my forehead.)

10.  before there was facebook there was geocities and i was on it.

11.  i once did a roundoff toe-touch when i was introduced in the lineup for my high school basketball team. (go panthers)  

12.  i have a sister who is younger than me, but usually acts older than me. 

13.  i have been catholic, episcopal, baptist, and non-denominational, and i’m still not convinced any of them really know what’s going on.

14.  i proposed to my wife on top of the empire state building on valentine’s day. 

15. i thought i was cool in high school, but looking back at the photos i’m pretty sure i was not.

16.  i have a cousin named alejandro.

17. the reason i fell in love with my wife is because she could not stand me.

18.  i had a 300 dollar wedding photographer.

19.  i think getting upset about professional sports is silly

20.  i have held my new camera more than my new baby

21.  i really really like to listen to rob bell talk.

22.  i love to watch cary grant movies with danielle.

23.  pete maravich once gave me a ribbon

24.  i almost bought a baby bouncer with an iphone dock.  (have i mentioned i like my phone?)

25.  i lied about number 14.




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Alex’s Awesome Wedding Tips & Tidbits: Make Time For Each Other!
Alex’s Awesome Wedding Tips & Tidbits: Make Time For Each Other!

Here are three pictures from one of my favorite weddings to date.  



Lauren & Jacob had a great wedding last year and one of the things that helped it go so smooth was good planning. They did all their formal photos before hand and right after the ceremony everyone went right on to the buffet, everyone EXCEPT for Lauren & Jacob. They were ushered into a secret room that no one knew about and had dinner alone. They had 30 minutes ALONE! That’s right. Alone. No one. Not mom and dad, not sister and brother, not even their super cool photographer was in there. I literally went in the room with them, took 1 minute’s worth of photos and did not come back in. They were able to enjoy a romantic little meal together and talk about their morning and everything leading up to the ceremony. Ask most people about their wedding day and I’ll bet you they can’t tell you about 5 minutes that they shared alone with their spouse, much less 30.

The picture of them walking out of the church was at 5:53, the one of them eating was at 5:59, and then at 6:31 they busted in to the reception.

Here’s the deal, no one missed them. It was perfect. The guests were having a great time eating and chatting it up, and then, once they did come out they were able to devote all their attention to saying hello and hugging everyone in sight. So many weddings that I have been to really are rushed and not thought out well, these two made a decision ahead of time to make time for themselves. So no matter what everyone tells you, make time for yourself. PLAN to see and spend time with each other. Write it down on your wedding day timeline and make it happen. I know Lauren and Jacob do not regret it, and you may look back on your day and realize planning 15 minutes of “nothing” was the best part of your day.

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Jo’s Tooth
Jo’s Tooth

So yesterday was a big day in our house.  Jo lost his first tooth.  It’s been pretty loose the past week or so and he has been messing with it 24/7.
(A few days ago he said he could not sleep because his tooth was too loose.)

Anyway while I was on Linsey’s bridal session Danielle called me with the video camera rolling because Jo had some news to share.  

One of the most underated part of being a parent is getting to make new/cool rules up along the way.  Danielle and I decided that the first tooth you lose should count for more.  Ten Bucks!  That’s right “tooth fairy”, you can keep your stinkin’ quarters, it’s all about the Hamilton’s at our house.  Jo had a blast picking out a new toy at Target and Sara got a new shirt. :)

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Bridal Photography Longview TX | Linsey
Bridal Photography Longview TX | Linsey

We had a great afternoon in Longview shooting Linsey’s bridals.
Her mom was literally the PERFECT mother of the bride, as far as bridal sessions go.  She made sure all the little details were in place, sat back at times and enjoyed the session, she even helped me with some of my little light tricks.  (I’ll update you all on how she does on the wedding day.)

The wedding is going to be at First United Methodist Church in Longview and I can’t wait to shoot there. It’s amazing.  


I really like this shot. I’m not sure if it’s the arches, the black and white, or just the expression on her face.  

She brought along her hat.  

Before I met them at the church I scouted a little back road that had a few nice spots for some outdoor shots. Lots of cool spots and not much traffic. Apparently 1.5 hours after I checked it out is rush hour in that part of town. There was a steady stream of cars while we were doing these. Everyone kept honking and waving as they drove by. Linsey loved it and it kinda brought out her inner celebrity. It was fun to watch.  

Once again ladies and gentlemen, a big round of applause for Alicia. Mother of the Bride.  

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