Don’t Reach Out & Touch Someone when you are on a date.
Don’t Reach Out & Touch Someone when you are on a date.

Danielle & I have two types of dates. The first is called a “Fake Date”. Those happen once a week after the kids are down. Around 8:00 or so, I’ll go out and grab some food and we’ll sit down and watch a movie or play a card game.

We also have “Real Dates”. Those happen every other week when we we drop the herd off at our friends’ house, and head out on the town for a real live sit down and have dinner date. We go to a place where people bring us food and water and take care of the dirty dishes. It is refreshing and wonderful. One of the things we love to do on our “real dates” is spot couples who are also on dates. I snapped these two photos in the past few weeks.

I had to go into spy mode to capture them. So I’m not sure if you can tell or not, but BOTH the husband and wife are on the phone. I’m sure you have noticed this trend. As we all fall more and more in love with our phones, sometimes we forget that they don’t love us back. The next time you are out on a date, or home for the evening, try this crazy idea:

Turn your phone off. Talk to each other. Look into each others eyes.

Then, log onto Facebook and update your status. :)

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4 Kids, 4 iPhones, 14 Hours
4 Kids, 4 iPhones, 14 Hours

So I know I posted some photos of Eli on Friday, and I’m giving you more family photos today.  I promise this won’t turn into a “what Alex’s family is up to” blog, but I had to share a few gems from our recent little mini-vacation.

Last week we headed out to New Mexico to visit Danielle’s Grandparents.

The shortest distance between two points is…. a curvy line.  Super.  It’s not like we have 4 kids.  I’m sure they would LOVE a 14 hour car ride.  One way.  Awesome.

This was the solution we came up with.

In fact, as far as photography, we only took iPhones on this trip and were able to photograph and film tons of great footage.  It was kinda fun to be limited to what it could do.  Maybe I’ll shoot my next wedding exclusively on an iPhone. :)

We actually managed to only make 4 stops each way.  The trick is, when you stop, make the kids run FOREVER.  Then they get tired and can’t wait to “rest” in the car.  (The little red and black dots are Sara & Joseph.)

We had told the kids they would also get little prizes along the way.  Jo was expecting a Lego set and as we got a few miles outside of Abilene he muttered this quote:

“Mom, are we going to get my Lego set soon because I feel like we are getting close to where they don’t have anything.”

True-er words were never spoken.

Somewhere along the Texas border my phone decided I was in Mexico and jumped me onto TelCel, an international carrier, and wanted to charge me many pesos for data.   Awesome.

At one of our stops, we found a little photo booth and crammed in for a Family Portrait.  Hey, it’s no Mug Machine, but it worked. :)

Las Cruces is a great little city, but they have some jacked up business names.  These were some of our favorites.

Super original.

La Tee Da should add an “RAMA” to the end of their name.

I really wanted to go in here, but Danielle was scared Eli would get eaten.

Regardless of how much time we spent in the car, it’s always nice when you can get your kid to play Jenga with his Great Grandfather.

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Eli = Uno
Eli = Uno

Way back in 2003 when Jo turned one, we knew it was our parental duty to take some “official” photos of him.
Rather than take him to Olan Mills and have them stick him in a wagon or a basket of fruit, we decided that Uno cards would be the way to go.
(We are so clever like that.)

Anyway, a Maldonado tradition was born and every kid since then has had Uno photos.

A few weeks ago it was Eli’s turn, so it is with great pleasure I give you Eli’s Uno Session.

Everyone’s age.

And, a quick look down memory lane at the others.

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The Coolest Couple I’ve Shot | Kenzie & Michael
The Coolest Couple I’ve Shot | Kenzie & Michael

As we were finishing their engagement session, Kenzie said
“I’m sorry we are not as cool as your other couples.”

I laughed and told her they were fine and that I had a great time with them.  As I was driving off, I thought of a few more things I should have said.  If you don’t mind, I’m about to say them…

I think “cool” is when a guy opens the door for his fiance’ every time we jump in the car to change locations.

I think “cool” is when a bride lets her fiance’ wear a hat in the pictures because that’s how he is most comfortable.

I think “cool” is when a groom talks about his bride-to-be’s father with respect and honor.

I think “cool” is when a bride asks me about my family because she is genuinely interested, not just being polite.

I think “cool” is when after 15 minutes with a couple, I know that in 2060 they will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.

I can’t tell you how much I loved spending the afternoon with you guys.  I wish all my couples were as “cool” as  you.

Enjoy your pics. :)

This lady is in charge of one of the stores in Rusk where they registered.  She was too awesome to not include in the photo. :)

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It’s Getting Hot In Here
It’s Getting Hot In Here

Just a quick little reminder to all you bride-ly brides out there.  June and July are hot in Texas.

Here are a few temperatures from June 2009 in some of the cities I frequent.

Trust me, you do not want to be out prancing about outside in June/July in a wedding dress.  It’s hot.  You’ll sweat.  You’ll actually feel the makeup melting off  your face.  You will not “feel” like a princess.  You’ll feel like a big white perspiring albino rhino. :)  (Those petticoats add an extra layer of warming goodness.)

If your bridal session is going to be completely indoors this won’t be a problem.  But, if you are wanting any outdoor shots, we’ll want to get on the ball and get your session planned for April or May.  There is one location that is actually great for outdoor shots in June.

Feel free to fly me out there and we’ll spend all day outside shooting. :)

Happy planning.

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