More Snow & Legos
More Snow & Legos

Apparently the theme for the blog the last few weeks has been snow and Legos.

So, since I know all of you are so into my little family, and would much rather keep up with us rather then the Kardashians, I thought I’d fill you in on the last week or so of our lives.

Back when we had the great snow storm of 2010, I had my friend and excellent photographer Lane Davis shoot a few of us prancing around in the snow.  I love what he got.  Take a look.

Ladies & Gentlemen, give it up for the lovely Danielle!!!

Also, if you are interested in Missions, God, or photography, you’ll have to follow his new site.  He’s leaving for Africa, Asia, and 14 other countries and will be gone for 9 months documenting and photographing what God is doing in other parts of the world.  I can’t tell you how proud and honored I am to call him my friend and demand that you all follow his blog To Tell A Story.

In other news, yesterday was Jo’s 7th Birthday.  He wanted a Power Miners themed Lego party and here is what he got.


Candles = Dynamite

Here is the toothless wonder himself.

One of the games we played was having the kids guess how many Legos were in the jar.

The first client who guesses the correct number in the comments gets a free 8×10 print.

We also had a random bag/build contest.

An impartial judge declared Jo’s contraption the winner.

How about Luke!  He built this bad boy on his own.  Not bad for a 2 year old right?

I’m also shooting Eli’s 1 year old photos today.  If you beg and plead, I might blog those soon. :)

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Come Scream “Move That Bus!”
Come Scream “Move That Bus!”

Thursday is “Move That Bus” day.  If there is any way possible, you should to head out to Mineola, TX for the big reveal.  Everyone will be parking at the Wal-Mart in Mineola and get shuttled from there.  You will want to get there by 10:00AM-ish if you hope to get on TV.  The actual reveal will be around NOON and you won’t want to miss it.  Visit KLTV for more info.

See you there.


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Legos, Legs, & Luigi
Legos, Legs, & Luigi

[Warning: if you are not a fan of bright, colorful images, you may want to skip this post.]

I had so much stinking fun with Christina & Josh.  I don’t even know where to begin.  How about no talking from me and we get right to the images…

When they mentioned that they both loved Legos, I knew right away I wanted to head to a mall with a Lego store.

Some people update their Facebook relationship status, but Christina & Josh knew this was the real deal when they merged their Lego VIP Points.
True story.

I’m not sure what the store behind them is going to sell.  My guess is children’s shorts for 20 foot tall women.

Fun with mannequins.

The on camera chemistry these two had made my lenses happy.

I love this one.

Another favorite.

This may be my favorite from the day.

These two also love Nintendo stuff, so they brought a few little props for the end.

In case you have not figured it out yet there were so many great images I could not just blog 10 or so of them.  I decided to show you them all… That’s right… Congrats Christina & Josh you guys are a Same Day Edit! Here are all your images less than 24 hours after your session!!

I had a great time getting to know you guys and can’t wait for your wedding.  Cheers.

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Extreme Makeover Home Edition | Mineola
Extreme Makeover Home Edition | Mineola

Has anyone heard anything about Extreme Makeover Home Edition coming to Mineola??? I’m kidding.  It’s probably ALL you have heard about for the past few days, so you may already be sick of the whole thing.  But, for those of you who are interested in more, I have had an inside look at this whole thing for a little while now.

I was contacted a few weeks ago about doing some behind the scenes shooting for when EMHE would be filmed.  I jumped at the chance and could not wait to get started.  This also led to me being able to photograph the Carr family before they went on vacation.  The show likes to do some family portraits so they have tons of images to fill up the new house.  (That is a crazy blog post with a story all of it’s own that I’ll tell you about later.)

It has been a blast being “on set” the past few days and here are just a few of the shots I’ve captured.

Anyway, if you want to find out more and learn about this amazing little family, you should go to the Bayless Construction website.  They are the builders heading up the project.  You can also view a live feed of the construction here.

Oh…. I guess the main reason you stuck with the post was because you were hoping to see a photo of Ty right?  Here is a shot of him right after they showed up and told the Carr’s they were getting a new house.

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Engaged People + Snow = I (Heart) These Photos
Engaged People + Snow =  I (Heart) These Photos

So the same day I did Brianne’s snow bridal session I snuck one of my favorite 2010 couples out into the cold for a few photos.  I knew from their kick butt engagement session that these guys would do great in any setting.  Here are a few of my favorites.

I’m really looking forward to Jean’s bridal session!

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