So many times I’m asked what makes a good photo? What should we wear? Where should we shoot? These are all great questions and yes, fun clothes, and beautiful light all make for better photos. The reality though, is my favorite sessions, my favorite couples, my favorite images, usually happen when people are comfortable around each other.
Lindsay & Chris are like baller pros at this. Check it out.

Chris is such a sweetheart, he knew Lindsey wanted pictures with some firewood so he chopped all this and set it up for us earlier that day.

See, here he is with the axe. He is such a man.

(PS. If you are looking for a killer location that will make your photos magic, this session took place at Wylde Acres, just outside of Longview.)

I loved this little moment because it was super easy for me to see them doing this exact same thing when they are 55 years old. These two are old souls.

I really think what I loved most about their session was how much Chris valued Lindsey’s voice and opinion. I loved how they took turns telling stories about their journey and how they both view each other as indispensable moving forward in life.
I can’t wait for this wedding next year.