Barenaked Barbies
Barenaked Barbies

OK, I promise this is the last “family” post for a while, but I could not resist sharing this one. As most of you know we have 1 girl and 3 boys. However, if you had to guess our girl count based off of the number of barbies in the house, you would probably say at least 7 girls lived here. Sara LOVES her dolls and every time we turn around it seems we are tripping over one. That’s all fine and good, but the thing that freaks me out are the naked Barbies. They give me the heebie-jeebies. They are creepy and they weird me out. (Jo feels the same way and I’m sure Luke will be complaining soon enough.)

Anyway, Danielle convinced Sara that it would be great if they all had “swimsuits” on. Sara loved the idea because she too is not a fan of naked Barbies and Jo and Luke even got in on the project.

A few before and after shots of our Sharpie Swimsuit collection for your enjoyment.

photography palestine tx

photography palestine tx

Here is the whole set. We even did two of them to match Sara’s swimsuits.

photography palestine tx

Anyway who better to comment on this recent development in our house then my all knowing blog stalkers!

Brides, did your brothers get freaked out by your Barbies growing up?

Moms did you ever have your boys come screaming and running out of a room because it was full of naked Barbies?

Let me know in the comments.

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