Weddings are great. Sure. I like them. Let me tell you a secret though. Even more than I like being there when a couple starts their life together…. I love creeping on them as they journey together those first few years. That’s when it starts to get really good. That’s when they start to realize that had no idea how much they could love each other. They had no idea how fun it would be. They had no idea how hard it would be. Ashley & Blake were married a little over year ago and they were kind enough to pull back the curtain and fill us in on what their first year together has been like.
What do you miss most about the single life?
The freedom to do whatever YOU want.
What was the the thing you stressed out most about in planning your wedding that now you look back on and laugh about?
We kind of put a lot of effort into figuring out which Bible verses we wanted read during the ceremony and who would read them, but then our pastor completely skipped that part.
Give us your best cheapo/fun married date idea.
Well, we LOVE ice cream. So to make us feel okay with it, we’ll go on a hike, grab some lunch, go check out the local succulent/gardening shops, and then discover one of the many amazing ice cream places of Los Angeles. And then spend 40 minutes trying to find the best free movie online. P.S. It’s LA, so cheap is relative.

What have you liked most about your first year being married?
A: Being in the same city/apartment as Blake. (2.5 years long distance before)
B: Practical jokes are way easier to do when she lives with me and not 1,500 miles away.
What’s been the hardest part about being married?
A: Realizing how selfish we both are.
B: Samesies. Marriage isn’t about MY wants and needs. You have to be willing to serve your spouse on a daily basis.
What surprised you the most? (Either good or bad.)
A: Blake leaves used paper towels everywhere he goes. Bedroom, Bathroom, Living Room, Dining Room…. Literally everywhere.
B: Apparently women don’t poop rose petals. But seriously, you think you have figured her out and everything’s going great — then BLAMMO — back to the drawing board.

What have you fought about most and why?
Trying to find time for guy-time/girl-time while still making quality time for each other – especially since Blake has really long work hours during the week.
Do you have any advice for couples about to take the plunge?
A: Marry someone you have complete trust in and can really open up to when you have something you want to talk about. It’s very difficult to make yourself vulnerable enough to speak your heart even when you do trust that person. Also, be honest and genuine, while still loving, when you talk about the hard things.
B: You HAVE to discuss the important issues in life before tying the knot: religion, family/kids, money, politics, moral issues, etc. It’s terrible to see married people get a divorce over issues that should have been discussed while dating or engaged. Also, remember that love is not just a feeling, it’s a daily decision.