McKellar Maternity
McKellar Maternity

I don’t shoot maternity sessions.  I think I have shot 5 in my whole life and 4 of those were for my wife.  But when my friends Vanessa & Brent McKellar became pregnant I knew I would be shooting a session.  We decided to go the cheesy route and I totally LOVE what we got.  I’ll explain a few along the way but for the most part these images should stand on their own.

Sometimes couples ask me “Why don’t we get every single image you shot at our session?”
Answer:  Because sometimes you both are talking and you look like this.

Selective Color For The Win!

Photoshop effects are fun!

Nothing says professional maternity photography quite like dressing a man up in a matching shirt and making him hold his wife uncomfortably.

Their hands make a heart.  Because they love the baby so much.

It’s like a Where’s Waldo game.

More awkward kissing and hugging.

For realz though these two are some of my favorite people ever.  They are having a baby next week and I can’t wait to see them be parents.  Go team McKellar!

So, to all you past brides out there who want a maternity shoot feel free to give me call.  Just be ready for the results. :)

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The A List #9
The A List #9



Happy Tuesday everyone.  It’s time again for everyone’s favorite blog feature: The A List.  I get to share random cool things that I’m liking on the inter webs and you get to kill time at work. :)


Many of you recent brides discover something after getting married.  Your husband wants/needs a bit of space of his own.  (I”m looking your way Carrie)  Anyway, if you have an extra room in the house why not let him have a “man cave”  here are some ideas to help you get the ball rolling.

2. I Like Giving dot com

Christmas is coming up.  Here is a site with some super great ways to keep reminding us that it’s about giving.  I dare any of you to try one of the “ideas“.

3. Kisses From Katie

Remember that time that you graduated high school went to Uganda and then ended up adopting 14 girls?  I Just found out about this story a few days ago and can not wait to read her book.  What Katie is doing with her life makes mine seem very small.  We need more people like Katie.

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The A List # 8
The A List # 8

Word up party people.  We are back with another A-List.  Random things that I think are fun/interesting/worth sharing on the internets.  Let’s get rolling.

1. Being Elmo:  This movie looks really really fun and interesting.

2. Title Scream: As always I try to share at least 1 link you can pass on to that dude you are trying to marry so you can impress him. This is that link.

3. People are smart: How great is this video?

4. Dancing Man: I want to shoot a wedding where people like this guys dance.

Shot two AMAZING weddings this weekend.  Can’t wait to share them with you all.  Peace.

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The A List #7
The A List #7

Hey Hey, it’s that time again.  Time to see what wonderful things around the interwebs have tickled my fancy.  Ready to kick off your Monday with a bang?

1.  Running of the Brides
This one is so so good.  I am not able to embed it on my site but I promise it’s worth your time.

2. What’s In The Bible?

This series came out earlier this year and our family is totally eating it up.  All 4 of our kids enjoy it and Danielle & I even manage to learn and laugh along as well.  It’s from the guy who made Veggie Tales and totally worth looking into.  (If you like the Bible.)  Go buy them on Amazon right now.

3. First Person Mario.

Ladies, this one is for your super cool husband-to-be.  Pass this video or link on to him and he’ll think you are extra attractive the next time he sees you.  Promise.


4. Peeing Bear

Turns out I’ve always had a eye for quirky photography.  I recently found this photo I took back in the 2nd or 3rd grade of a bear at the zoo.

Stay classy Alex, stay classy.

Till next time.  Peace.

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The A List #6
The A List #6

Yowsers!  I can’t believe it’s been a few months since I have done and A-List.  Here are some of the fun random things that are keeping me entertained on the internets lately.

1. AutoWed Wedding Vending Machine.  (This is TOTALLY the future of weddings.) :)


2: If AutoWed is not for you, then you could always got the more “traditional” route and get married in an inflatable church.

3: The World Is Where We Live.  I tweeted about this video yesterday, but it’s too good to not include in this post.  It’s 40 seconds long.  I would watch a 40 minute version of this if they made one.

The world is where we live from WWF on Vimeo.

4: Luke turns 4 today.  I miss baby Luke.  I want him back.  Here is the little guy the day we brought him home.
Here he is last week.  All grown up.

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