Happy Snake Attack Day!!!
Happy Snake Attack Day!!!

Today is the 5 year anniversary of our favorite holiday.  Snake Attack Day!!!

A little background: A few years ago I was sitting at my desk working when I heard Danielle let out a scream.  I grabbed my camera and ran towards her.  The following video is what happened.

Here are a few ways we are celebrating this year.

Danielle is making Snake Sticks for breakfast. (Cinnamon sticks.)
An over abundance of gummy worms.
I’m encouraging all the kids to sssspeak with an exssstra long lisssp.

We are thinking of going all out starting next year and giving the kids they day off from school as well as me getting a paid vacation day. What do you think?

3 things I would LOVE from the comments.
1. Be nice to my wife.
2. Snake Attack Day celebration ideas.
3. Tell me your “scariest” encounter with nature.

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Sara in the woods
Sara in the woods

Sometimes it’s fun to shoot girls who are not in white dresses. :)

undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedI love her toothless smile.

This is one of my Top 5 favorite frames I have ever taken of Sara.

Sara sat down and crossed her legs and then we had this conversation:

Me: Is that how you want to sit?
Her: Dad!  This is how ladies sit.  Don’t  you know that?!?

And just like that we had a fantastic 10 minute photo shot and a super great date. :)

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Sometimes you just have to go to the Card & Party Factory, drop 30 bucks on tattoos, put an Allen Iverson jersey on your 3 year old, and do a Sports Illustrated cover shoot.

I’ll be honest… I spent WAY too much time on this last one.  (But it was worth it.)  (See original cover here.)

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Snow Day 2011
Snow Day 2011

The kids were dying to go out at 6:00 this morning. :)

Bonus points to the first person to recognize Jo’s jersey without help form the world wide web.

Happy Snow Day.

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Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

There’s nothing like getting a Christmas card in the mail.  You look at it, smile, then toss it in the trash.  Wait…. I mean…. keep it forever. :) For some reason we have never been a send out a christmas card type of family.  Maybe it’s because our kids are not cute enough.  Maybe it’s because we never have any good photos.  Maybe it’s because we are Jewish.  Who knows.

We knew form the start thought that this year would be different.  Throughout the year we made sure to get tons of shots with Santa hats so we would have a few options come December.  I couldn’t decide on one though so here they all are. :)

A few weeks ago Jon Acuff the author of Stuff Christians Like (Fantastic site.  You should visit it everyday.) offered to write out Christmas cards for a certain number of people.  I made the cut.  Enjoy the holidays.

“Dear friends & family,
My name is Jon Acuff and recently on my blog I offered to write Christmas cards for people. I am happy to say that Alex took me up on that offer. Why am I happy? In part because I think he might be my doppelganger.

How so?

Well, let’s review the facts:
He’s been married 9 years. So have I.
His wife is a stay at home mom. So is mine.
He has an artistic job. So do I.
He loves Apple. So do I.
His son Joseph knows more about legos than Jesus. My daughters know more about American Girl Dolls than just about anything else.
Sarah wants a sister. My daughter L.E. would like a brother.
Eli is a wild man, Luke cries in Sunday School. I know that pain all too well.
We’re practically the same person. Except my last name is pretty boring and his kind of sounds like a cool dance move.
And the last thing we have in common?

We both want you to have a Merry Christmas!

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