When a couple entrusts me to document their wedding day, it really is an honor. When a couple is generous enough to fly me out to Florida to do that job… it’s an honor, and a mini-vacation. :)
I had such a great time getting to know Ali & Greg’s family for the few days I was with them. They are such a neat group of people and I can’t wait to share a little part of their story with you.

Their rehearsal evening at the Key Largo Lighthouse was so laid back; full of laughter, and stories. I could tell right away these two were surrounded by some serious amounts of family and friends.

Of course Ali had her mother’s wedding dress altered and turned into her rehearsal evening dress. Why wouldn’t she?

Greg apparently has 3 super heroes for Aunts. They ended the evening by singing a song about Greg & Ali’s story while dressed in appropriate beach attire.

The only problem with getting married in Florida is that sometimes it rains. From 10AM on, we were unsure if we would be able to have this ceremony outdoors.

Ali wore a necklace that her dad gave her mom on THEIR wedding day, her grandmother’s earrings, and a ring her mother gave her when she turned 16.
Basically, every single tiny detail of this day was layered with depth and meaning.

Of course Greg gave her some custom made shoes. Why wouldn’t he?

3 things I love:
1. Grandparents who take photos all day long.
2. Killer make up artists who make my job easier.
3. Bridesmaids who steam dresses while wearing them and try not to scorch each other.

Seriously, everytime I turned around, this girl was hugging someone. Her day was filled with love.

1 hour before the ceremony. Still raining outside. Ali is looking out to check the weather AND SMILING!!!!
You can see the droplets on the door.

Even though it was drizzling, they still wanted to have a First Look. (Because they are awesome like that.)
I found a covered-ish area and stuck them there. Ground was still a bit wet, but they didn’t seem to mind.

And then, almost like magic, it stopped. The rain was gone. So in the span of about 30 minutes, we took every possible photo we could. :)

I already mentioned they had a super strong family support group… but my favorite photo of the trip was this next one.

When you say “I know we are from Texas, but we are getting married in Florida on a Tuesday in January” and 67 people show up….
That’s a pretty good way to start your marriage.

I’m super proud of the group shot with the whole wedding party and the flower girl in the middle. She wanted no part of the photo shoot, but I was able to bribe her participation by offering her some Frozen stickers. :)

Small children on the beach in fancy clothes are the best.

Remember the super hero aunts? Yeah, they made all the sweets for the wedding. (Of course they did.)

By the time the ceremony rolled around, the little one was done. She made it down the aisle, tearing up along the way. All the while wearing one of my Frozen stickers. :)

Give it up for Curbside Gourmet. Yes, please.

Greg’s mother spent so much time playing with and enjoying her grandson. Fully present and in the moment.

I love watching parents during a couple’s first dance. I love it even more when the Father of the Bride has a slightly disinterested look on his face that says… “I suppose she was bound to grow up eventually.”

My favorite thing that happened during the toasts was how their friends didn’t just tell stories of growing up together, but also shared stories of wanting to grow old together. Committing to being there for them moving forward.
“I wanna be the one dressed up in a bathing suit t-shirt singing at YOUR daughter’s wedding,” she said.

I don’t even know. But I felt like I should share it.

The night kept getting better.

Thank you guys so much for trusting me with your wedding. Thanks for letting me join in on the fun and be a part of the family for a few days. You are the best.