This is the story of how I met Justine & Karl. He lived in Dallas and she lived in North Carolina, and when she was in town visiting, they were trying to also get some engagement photos done. She found me online and contacted me about the engagement session. They were still not sure who they were going to get for the wedding since it would be back in North Carolina, but I knew 5 minutes into their session I needed to be there. I was thrilled when they invited me to come out there for the weekend of their wedding. It really was an honor to be there.
These two are amazing. (You should read their story here.)
In brief though… everything you need to know about them can be found in this photo. When I asked for her jewelry, Justine went on and on about how her bracelet contained a ring Karl’s grandmother had given her.
She was beaming.
Not in an “I’m getting married and these are the fancy new shoes I just bought” kinda way. It was more of an “I’m joining this man and family and we can’t wait to do life together for a long, long time” kinda way. It was the reason I fell in love with them during their engagement session and that approach burst through the whole day.

The more excited your friends are when you are getting ready… the more likely they are to tear up when you ARE ready. :)

Nephews make the best ring bearers.

Nieces make the best flower girls.

Every bit of training that Karl underwent in the Army and medical school applied here. The man was completely focused and aware during every detail throughout the day. Especially this moment. :)

I LOVE when kids sit by their great grand parents. I also love it when couples trade little comments during their ceremony.

The Raleigh Little Theater was the perfect setting for their day.

Here is what I know. Wedding trends come and go. Dresses don’t have pockets, then they do, then they don’t. Mason jars are tacky, then they are trendy, then they are tacky. If Pinterest is around in 5 years, wedding boards will look very different.
But THESE images never get old.
Images of parents with their daughter are forever.

Photos of your family. Your tribe. Your people. They are the ones you frame. They are the ones you look back on in 15 years.
These are the photos we pull out and say….
“I can’t believe she was 2 years old.”
“Mom was so beautiful.”
“Oh that’s right, she had just been born.”
These photos never go out of style.

I was so disappointed in this runner guy. I saw him in the distance and could not wait for him to jog by. He came down the hill, and once he spotted us turned around to not be in the photo. I wanted him closer. I wanted him bigger. He didn’t want to ruin the photo. Little did he know, the photo was about him.

Of course Justine’s cake had an X-wing, Millennium Falcon, and the Death Star on it. Why wouldn’t it?

I love these next shots. Great speech by their friend, which led to hugs, which led to Karl spilling drink.
(So much for my theory about Karl being an on-point, hyper aware army doctor.)
I love Karl’s expression after he spilled the drink on the table.
I also love Justine reacting before either of them could and placing the glass upright again.
Because that’s what marriage is. Marriage is cleaning up the mess your spouse just made. :)

Karl’s best man was out of the country and could not make it, but he still delivered a killer speech that had everyone laughing.

Justine and Karl met at Harvard. They wanted a photo of all their college friends.
Most Expensive. Photo. Ever.

The reception was full of dancing, and other random things.

I loved seeing them all gathered around the table. Sharing new stories and remembering old ones.

Eventually everyone got tired and we all went home.

It was a full day. Thank you two so much for trusting me and sharing your day with me.