Lauren & Blaine were married at The Belgium House just outside of Longview exactly 1 year ago today. Word. Let’s check in on them and what the first 366 days of marriage was like for them. BUT, before we do… how about a few of my favorites from their wedding.

What do you miss most about the single life?
-We honestly decided we don’t miss the single life – can you say cliche’? yet true!
Give us your best cheapo/fun married date idea.
-Four wheeling/back roading & star gazing in the piney woods of East Texas!
What have you liked most about your first year being married?
-A year of “firsts” in our first year of marriage!…first married christmas, our birthdays as husband and wife, etc..we try to commemorate them with a picture or a new tradition!
What’s been the hardest part about being married?
-Getting used to each others quirks and mannerisms, like leaving bobby pins in the shower or leaving the kitchen cabinets ALL open.
What surprised you the most? (Either good or bad.)
-In a good sense, what a great team we make! Whether its splitting up at the grocery store to get out quickly, or taking turns folding laundry. There’s never a “point” system with us.
What have you fought about most and why?
-Co-managing our finances, which we knew in advance. Women and men have such different buying patterns, so some advice: Sit down and talk over bill distribution, financial goals, and budget expectations. Save, save, save!