It’s Getting Hot In Here
It’s Getting Hot In Here

Just a quick little reminder to all you bride-ly brides out there.  June and July are hot in Texas.

Here are a few temperatures from June 2009 in some of the cities I frequent.

Trust me, you do not want to be out prancing about outside in June/July in a wedding dress.  It’s hot.  You’ll sweat.  You’ll actually feel the makeup melting off  your face.  You will not “feel” like a princess.  You’ll feel like a big white perspiring albino rhino. :)  (Those petticoats add an extra layer of warming goodness.)

If your bridal session is going to be completely indoors this won’t be a problem.  But, if you are wanting any outdoor shots, we’ll want to get on the ball and get your session planned for April or May.  There is one location that is actually great for outdoor shots in June.

Feel free to fly me out there and we’ll spend all day outside shooting. :)

Happy planning.

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