let's clarify a few things
spend more time together
If you’ve been on this website for any amount of time, you probably know that I love when couples choose to have a First Look.  It is when a bride and groom choose to see each other BEFORE the ceremony.  Now, before you close the page and run off screaming “Bad luck Bad luck Bad luck”, do me a favor.  Take 5 minutes and read over a few posts I did on this topic.Most of these are not my thoughts, but words from brides themselves.  Some of them were always set on the idea of doing a First Look, some took a bit of convincing.  But they all ended up being glad they did it.  I’ve even had a few brides who told me later they regretted NOT doing one.  Like I said, First Looks are not for everyone, but they are for the cool brides. ;)
spend more time together
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did your first look ruin walking down the aisle?
did your first look ruin walking down the aisle?
"Absolutely not!  It is a completely different experience walking down the aisle with just your soon to be husband standing alone at the alter vs. walking down the aisle with the lights beating down on you and hundreds of people gawking. Neither was boring, and each was amazing for different reasons.  And even after having seen one another prior to the ceremony, it was still an electric sort of feeling I got when I saw Jacob waiting there in front of the crowd for me!" - Lauren
jaime's First Look story
While we were in the early stages of wedding planning, I kept thinking how weird it would be when I walked down the aisle and had to stand there across from Nolan after having not seen each other in about 24 hours and not touch! No hugs, nothing. Just stand there all excited and reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally want to hug him. And gush over the awesome shoes he ended up getting. And how handsome he looked in general.Then, when we started shopping photographers, I saw on AlexM's website that he LOVES First Looks.  Of Course! That's the answer - we totally get to hug and gush over each other before the wedding and in private (except for some weird dude who was standing behind the bushes watching the whole thing...)
jaime's First Look story
WATCH A first look