Amanda & Bob are the type of people that 15 seconds into meeting them, you wish you had met them sooner. Easy to talk to, honest, and totally real. My only regret with their session was that it only lasted an hour. I would much rather have spent a whole evening with them. :)

They met while working at Lowe’s in the paint department. Bob told me that he was about to move out to Lawn & Garden, and quickly realized he only had 1 month to “train” her. I guess the training worked because after 6 years of dating, here we are.

During their session Amanda mentioned to me that one of the things that attracted her to Bob was how genuine he is. It’s so true though, he oozes honesty. I loved seeing them interact and when she would ask for an opinion on something, he would give it, but he always made sure that she felt valued and heard throughout the session. Such a great quality.

Bob’s favorite thing about Amanda is how thoughtful she is. “She thinks about people a lot. She cares.”
You see that folks? That’s how you pick a spouse. You find someone who is honest, who is genuine. You look for someone with a heart that bends towards people and has them on their mind.
You find someone like that, and you’ll find someone worth marrying.
Amanda & Bob did. :)