Erin & Aaron are the most Dallasy couple I’ve had in a while. They are all about the city, the fun, and the Dallasness of Dallas.
Of course Klyde Warren Park is their jam.

The cool thing about photography is that you can make people look good at ping pong… even if they are not.
(Not that I’m saying that about these two. Not at all.)

These two met while working at the same job. Early on, they noticed each other, but it took Aaron about 3 months to actually call her up because he was nervous about dating someone from work. (Apparently he’s moved on from that fear.)
One of my favorite moments from their dating story was when Aaron moved into an apartment in Erin’s complex. She helped him move in and while he was returning the truck, she totally set up his place. Furniture, cleaning supplies, organization, etc. He came back to a totally prepped home. (Major girlfriend points scored.)

I TOLD you these people are Dallas. While shooting their session a car starts yelling at Erin. Of course it’s some person they know, randomly driving by. Why wouldn’t it be? There are only 1,281,047 people who live there.

So about a year after she had helped him move into his apartment, Erin had asked him to help her rearrange some furniture, but he told her he could not make it. (Major boyfriend points lost.)
Little did she know he was meeting with her parents to ask for her hand in marriage. (Like you do.) Erin got a bit huffy, but eventually got over not having a moving buddy that day.

The day AFTER he didn’t help her rearrange his apartment, he called Erin and said he needed some help moving stuff at his place. (True story.) When she got there, she found this.

That’s right. The boy had fired up his old iPhone, printed out all their past text messages, and basically presented her with a novel proclaiming his love. (Major fiancé points scored.)

I had the best time with these two. Not just because of their perfect humor and personalities, but because it’s so evident how they compliment each other. Aaron talked about how much compassion Erin has for others and her willingness to do things for them without being asked. Erin went on and on about how tenderhearted he is and that his servant’s heart is what drew her to him.
I love these two and as excited I am for their July wedding, I’m more excited to see and follow their little love story over the next decade.