Justine & Karl are my new best friends. (I just need to double check with them and make sure that’s ok.) I loved hanging out with them and love their story so much. I’ll try to do it justice, but you should just take my advice and become best friends with them, too.
They met in the rainforest of Borneo while they were studying abroad. Not a bad start, right? Anyways, after a few months together there, they knew they were perfect for each other. Eventually, Karl would move to Texas for medical school and Justine would continue her education in North Carolina. They have had a long distance relationship since then and have made it work. (With a few flights back and forth to see each other in real life.) Well, this past weekend Justine was in Dallas so the three of us headed down to Klyde Warren Park for their session.

True Story: Justine did not know how to play checkers. So Karl taught her while we were shooting. How great is that?

Both of them have huge giant brains that are extra smart. Justine’s is just a tad bigger.

When I asked them what they like to do when they hang out, Justine mentioned that they like “old people things”. A few months ago they were on their way to take some archery lessons and instead ended up learning to play pétanque. How perfectly random is that?

Justine is not a fan of diamonds so of course Karl designed her a custom engagement ring with her birthstone and favorite color.

Justine is a bit of a geek.
OK, “a bit” might be selling her short. Let me try again.
Justine kinda invented her own strand of DNA that can trace if water in wells has been contaminated. BOOM. Just like that.
Anytime she talks about it, she gets really excited and I get really confused. So I may not have described it 100% accurately, but you get the idea. So of course we had to hit the Perot Museum of Nature & Science.

They could have spent hours in this place. I kept having to pull them away from the exhibits so I could do my job. :) When I was done shooting I left them in the museum. They might still be in there right now.

Super cool exhibit that tracks your body movements and replicates it in 8-bit format. Here is an 8-bit version of them making out.

Thank you guys for spending your July 4th with me. Nothing says “America” more than an Army doctor dude and a lady scientist from L.A. falling in love. (Go Lakers!)