Lacey & Cory’s story began way back in 2000. Bruce, Lacey & Cory’s story began last week.
I’ll be honest… I’m not sure which one is my favorite.

These two have known each other since 6th grade. They kinda grew up together in San Antonio and dated on and off for about 8 years.

Shout out to Lacey for throwing herself at Cory in typical 8th grade fashion.
Also, a very special shout out to Marcus for signing Cory’s yearbook with the phrase “Keep pimpin’ dim HOES.”

Me: “You guys just stand next to each other and Lacey, bring your hand up so we can see the ring.”
I mentioned Bruce earlier. Bruce is the name that Lacey gave the “blemish” that appeared on her forehead a couple of days before our session. He has been photoshopped out of history, but this image may be my favorite I have ever taken. “Give Bruce a kiss.” I said.
Cory didn’t even hesitate.

Like all cool, hip, young people, these two love to get slightly overpriced, yet delicious beverages at Local Coffee.
(I can’t tell you if it was any good because they did not offer to buy me any.)

Fun Fact about Lacey. She has an older sister.
One of the perks of having older siblings is that you can steal photography pose ideas from back when they were engaged. (Like 150 years ago.)

Thank you guys for a great session. The three of you were a blast to hang out with.