Haley & Devin’s Ashelynn Manor was may be the most joy-fill wedding I have ever attended.
(Because of course you can accurately measure joy and I keep track of such things.)

Haley’s bridesmaids were a fierce bunch. I loved them to pieces.

True story: while putting on her jewelry someone asked where she got the pearl bracelet and Haley blushed a bit and said it was a gift form an old boyfriend. Everyone laughed and Haley’s mother said “You don’t get rid of pearls.”

Gypsy Blooms made everything look super pretty.

Devin’s connection with his family was incredible to watch. the way he interacted with his brother and honored his mother gives me so much hope for their marriage.

I LOVED this groomsman. For the first 2 hours he was either napping, or having someone trim his beard. Either way… he was not going to exert himself.

Of course they all had themed socks.

Shout out to the groomsman with the slightly too tight pants. (You know who you are.)

Devin lasted about .0001 second before the tears came out.

There’s always one. Also, make a mental note of this iPad.

We spent about 10 minutes in song. It was pretty great.

So… about 75% of the time, the ring never quit fits the guy’s finger. I always wait for that face from the bride.

That giddy moment right before you are about to be married when you arch you back to express the pure joy and anticipation of two becoming one.

A lot of couples raise their hands in celebration.

Most don’t actually skip and jump down the aisle.
Seriously, the wave of joy, emotion, cheering, and clapping that this crowd of people let out almost knocked me over.

Hey hey, look at all the beautiful people looking beautiful.

This was actually the THIRD wedding I have photographed for this family. Haley is a cousin to Hilary & Blake.
You remember Hilary right? Hilary of Hilary & Kirk fame.
And I know you could never forget Blake. Form that one time Ashley & Blake got married.

The cheering continued.

The best man and maid of honor gave the sweetest speeches.

Despite not wearing shoes.

I love a good first dance.

And I also love a Mother/Son dance.

And of course I love a Father/Daughter dance.

But sometimes my favorite is to capture other fathers and daughters during the Father/Daughter dance.

Anniversary dance. And…. when you’ve been married 52 years… you are allowed to take an iPad out into the dance floor with your lady.

The dance floor was on fire. Seriously. On. Fire.

I told you the bridesmaids knew what they were doing.

Lipsync battle.

Bye Bye Bye was good.

But the guys managed to come up with choreography for Man! I Feel Like a Woman on the spot. It was epic.

My top 10 Mug Machine photos from the night.

To Haley & Devin: Thank you two for letting me share in your day. Your energy, excitement, and love for each other is so contagious. I can’t tell you how full my heart was when I left your wedding. You guys are a joy to be around and I can’t wait to see what you build your marriage into.