I’m A MAN!!!
I’m A MAN!!!

I’m sure you have picked up on it by now, but I’m more the artsy-fartsy type guy.  However, the last couple weeks at my place have been filled with all sort of new man-ly goodness.  We decided to fence in our backyard and we also decided we could do it ourselves.  Just a little background, up until this point, this is the largest tool I have ever owned or operated.


Yes, I realize it’s just a drill and most 5 year olds could run it.  Thank you.  Anyway, by the end of the project I had promoted myself up to full manhood and rented and operated one of these bad boys.  Check it.  I’m a man.
Not bad eh.  I started with a smaller auger.  Rental places know you are a manly man when you hook something up to the back of your minivan. :)

Each of the 50 fence posts had to be set in concrete. So you buy a bunch of bags of concrete and carry them over to each post.

Concrete bags that weigh 80lbs each.

I am not that strong.

This is how we ended up moving them.
Some of the ground was too hard to the little auger so I ended up having to rent the little tractor looking thing.  Here is photographic proof that I can operate heavy machinery.
And finally, here are a few before and after photos of the backyard.  I’m basically a mix between Bob Vila & Ty Pennington.  (A builder who is old AND good looking.)

HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you to Danielle who not only encouraged me to do the project, but carried every single fence picket to the backyard while I nailed gunned those bad boys up.

Side note:  Working like a real person made me love my fake job that much more.  Thank you all for paying me to take photographs. :)

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Becca & Brad | Wedding Photography Tyler, TX
Becca & Brad | Wedding Photography Tyler, TX

Becca & Brad are the type of couple I love working with.  They are always eager to take “more” photos and gave me plenty of time to do so on their wedding day.  It was a blast so no more chit chat from me.  Let’s jump to the images.

undefinedLOVE LOVE LOVE this shot.

There is nothing more romantic that sharing your First Look with just you and your soon to be spouse…..
… and you little sister creeping in the background.
Stay classy Brad.
Becca’s parents pulled her aside to pray with her.  Another one of my favorites.
undefinedundefinedundefinedI love that you can see her sister’s make up running down her face. :)undefined
When he first saw here that day Becca’s dad went on and on about how beautiful she looked.  He then went on to talk about how beautiful his wife looked.  That is one smart man.
You guys were terrific, Mug Machine, and album goodness await you later this week!

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Carrie & Aaron | Engagement Photography Marshall, TX
Carrie & Aaron | Engagement Photography Marshall, TX

Carrie & Aaron were so much fun.  We started out on the softball field at ETBU where Carrie used to play.

Carrie was single handedly responsible for ever Conference Championship from 2001-2004.  (With a little help from her team.)
undefinedundefinedundefinedundefined Their wedding is just around the corner so look for more photo goodness from these two soon.

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Jessica & Justice | Engagement Photography Longview, TX
Jessica & Justice | Engagement Photography Longview, TX

I have known Jessica since she was like in the 7th grade.  In fact she was one of the first people I photographed.  Here she around her freshman year in high school.

Short hair? Check.
Braces? Check.
Bad photography? Double Check.


(Jess you totally knew I was posting an old photo right?  At least I picked a “good” one.)

Anyway, I was super excited when she emailed me and said she was engaged and that I was gonna shoot her wedding!  Before we got to just Jess & Justice We did a few with his daughter as well.  She is MUCH cuter and hipper than Jess was. :)


Now a few of the two of them.

The three of you were terrific and I’m looking forward to hanging out with you more.  Thanks for being so awesome.

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Jessica, Justice, Carrie & Aaron | Engagement Peeks
Jessica, Justice, Carrie & Aaron | Engagement Peeks

Here are two images from this past Wednesday.  Both of these couples were so much fun to hang out with and will be getting lots-o-blog love the first part of next week.


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