Jessica, Justice, Carrie & Aaron | Engagement Peeks
Jessica, Justice, Carrie & Aaron | Engagement Peeks

Here are two images from this past Wednesday.  Both of these couples were so much fun to hang out with and will be getting lots-o-blog love the first part of next week.


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2010 May Rewind
2010 May Rewind

Here are a few of my favorites form May of last year.  I can’t believe you people have been married 1 year!  Congrats to Kenzie, Kasey, Christina, Katherine, Jean, & Kristen!  (And to your husbands.) :)


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Casey & Tony | Engagement Photography Ft. Worth, TX
Casey & Tony | Engagement Photography Ft. Worth, TX

Casey & Tony met the old fashion way.  They met on MySpace. :)  Just a few weeks after he was deployed over seas so they kept in touch the really old fashion way; writing letters.  I love that we were able to work some of them into the session.

Thank you guys for a great session.

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Ashley & Chase | Engagement Photography Houston, TX
Ashley & Chase | Engagement Photography Houston, TX

Ashley & Chase started dating in high school.  They are all grown up and getting married in a few months at the Villa di Felicita and I can not wait for their wedding.  These two were so much fun to hang out with.  We started at the Saint Arnold Brewing Company in Houston. (They like beer.) :)

I have to say, for being the patron saint of beer this Arnold guy sure seems to not be having a good time.
I have no idea why Chase tried to bite her nose off.
We finished the session over at Brix Wine Cellars.  (They like wine too.)
A HUGE thanks to the two drinking establishments for opening early and letting us crash their place.  Chase & Ashely, you guys were a-freaking-mazing.  See you soon!

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2010 April Rewind
2010 April Rewind

This month’s rewind has two parts to it.  Part 1 is mucho mucho favorite images from last April.  Part 2 is one of my favorite things I have ever posted on my site.

Part 1.


Part 2:  Last year I asked one of my brides who broke off her engagement if she would be willing to share what that process was like and everything that it involved.  She was kind and brave enough to say yes.  It is still one of the most viewed pages on my website and  was the top Google result for broken engagement for a while last year.  Regardless of how great your engagement  or relationship is you should take the time to read what Kristin had to share.  (Read her story here.)

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