Amy and Casey were married last August. They had a gorgeous wedding and I loved shooting every little detail of it. There was so so much eye candy at their wedding it was almost hard for me to pick what to shoot. :) Like most couples they had a great/tough 1st year. Amy was kind and honest enough to share with you all what that has been like. Enjoy a few images from her big day then listen to a bit of their story from their first year of marriage.

What do you miss most about the single life?
-probably not having to worry about anyone but myself and what i need to do.
What have you liked most about your first year being married?
-spending time with my new family (husband and two step sons) and im currently pregnant with my first!!! Soooo exciting!
Any advice for couples blending a family?
-well i have two new stepsons that live with us and its hard at times but it definitely is fun and you learn a lot about each other.
What’s been the hardest part about being married?
-the hardest part has been adjusting to automatically living with not only your husband but his two children right away. we have all had to learn to share with each other and not be selfish.
What surprised you the most? (Either good or bad.)
-taking on an extended family has surpassed my expectations of how easy it woud be…..it definately takes village!!!
What have you fought about most and why?
-probably saving money and putting it to the best use possible for our growning family.
What was the biggest thing you were nervous about? How has it turned out?
-raising stepkids probably the most. but i have realized i am doing whats right for them and taking care of them like a great mom does…..its been a learning experience for all of us. A GOOD ONE!
Do you have any advice for couples about to take the plunge?
-life is a journey with ups and downs…..so live it everyday and enjoy each others company!!!
Thank you Amy for being so open about your marriage. What about the rest of you out there?
What tips or advice do you have for anyone blending a family in that first year?